Holy Family Curriculum
Assessment Guide
The following table outlines the assessments Holy Family students will take this year and the purpose for each assessment.
There are two types of assessments:
Summative Assessments give Holy Family and our schools insight into our strengths and weaknesses in our overall programming. This informs our decision-making as we make program improvements.
Formative Assessments provide information about student progress and directly inform teacher decision-making and instruction.

Click on the title to expand the assessment description:
Assessment Type:
Summative, state-mandated
The ISASP assessment is developed by Iowa Testing Programs at the University of Iowa for the state of Iowa. The assessments are aligned with the Iowa Core standards and provide a clear and accurate assessment of student learning outcomes. Student growth, proficiency and readiness indicators will be reported.
Grade Levels:
- Grades 3-11 in Math, Reading, Language and Writing,
- Grades 5, 8, and 11 in Science.
Assessment Window:
Assessment Type:
All FAST assessments are formative and state-mandated in grades K-6. Holy Family chooses to monitor students through grade 8.
FAST is a set of reading and math assessments that teachers use to measure student learning. FAST scores help teachers to know what kind of teaching each student needs to help them grow, both individually and as part of the whole class.
FAST Early Reading:
The FAST Early Reading test is a screener that helps teachers understand student strengths and areas for growth. The data from this assessment is used to help plan intervention groups and opportunities for targeted instruction.
- Grade Levels: K-1
- Assessment Schedule: Fall, Winter and Spring
FAST Early Math
The FAST Early Math test is a screener that helps teachers understand student strengths and areas for growth. The data from this assessment is used to help plan intervention groups and opportunities for targeted instruction.
- Grade Levels: K-1
- Assessment Schedule: Fall, Winter and Spring
FAST Adaptive Reading (aReading)
The FAST aReading test is a screener that helps teachers understand student strengths and areas for growth. The data from this assessment is used to help plan intervention groups and opportunities for targeted instruction.
- Grade Levels: 2-8
- Assessment Schedule: Fall, Winter and Spring
FAST Mathematics Concepts and Application (CAP)
The FAST CAP test is a screener that helps teachers understand student strengths and areas for growth. The data from this assessment is used to help plan intervention groups and opportunities for targeted instruction.
- Grade Levels: 6-8
- Assessment Schedule: Fall, Winter and Spring
FAST Adaptive Mathematics (aMath)
The FAST CAP test is a screener that helps teachers understand student strengths and areas for growth. The data from this assessment is used to help plan intervention groups and opportunities for targeted instruction.
- Grade Levels: 2-5
- Assessment Schedule: Fall, Winter and Spring
Assessment Type:
Summative, Holy Family elected
The PreACT was designed to give accurate predictions of performance on the ACT test. The test provides practice testing with the timing, setting, and format of the ACT. Score benchmarks indicate performance in college courses. By filling out the interest inventory, students will receive career suggestions!
Grade Levels:
Grades 9 and 10 in English, Writing, Science, and Mathematics
Assessment Schedule:
Assessment Type:
Formative, Holy Family elected
The goal of the Holy Family writing assessment is to assess students' critical thinking and writing skills. The collaborative scoring of these writing assessments creates a common understanding of our student writing strengths and needs for continued growth in writing instruction throughout the student experience K-12.
Grade Levels:
Assessment Schedule:
- Winter and Spring for K-3
- Spring for grades 4-12
Assessment Type:
Summative, Holy Family elected
Las Links measures Spanish language proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Grade Levels:
Assessment Schedule:
Please note: The NWEA Measured Academic Performance (MAP), assessments have been discontinued due to the comprehensive assessment portrait offered through these assessments.